Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beauty, Culture and Women

                                      "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Tiny feet, hanging lips, and full figured women is what some culture consider as beautiful. In such a diverse world, what some considered illegal and immoral is what others are working so hard to achieve as to be considered beautiful. This blog will explore different cultures, countries and women and what they do everyday to feel beautiful. Reading this blog will require an open mind. Remember: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"


  1. This is a blog that I am going to really enjoy reading. I love learning about other cultures, especially ones that involve things that our culture considers taboo. You might want to check out National Geographic's Taboo: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/taboo/ You might find some relevant videos there!

    1. Thank you Nyssa for the link. It really is a big help!

  2. Indeed from the concept of beauty we can get a perspective of the value of a culture, as well as what the society is calling for, though I'm a firm believer of what comes natural to us from the creator should be our most beautiful form, nothing artificial would be able to perfect it.
    This sure will be an interesting blog. Keep it up! :D

  3. This is a really interesting topic! Different culture have different standards for beaty, and different stages of the society also views beaty differently. The beaty standard can be reflected on culture history backgrounds. Ecited to see your posts!

  4. I've always been interested in how other cultures define "Beauty". What is beautiful to us may not be for others and what is beautiful for them may not be for us. I've been so fascinated how women wrap their feet or neck or stretch their lips out! As a American woman we always pressure ourselves to look a certain way which is ideal to our society, "skinny". However, stretched lips, elongated necks, and tiny feet is ideal for their respective culture and society. Nonetheless I look forward to your blog!
