Thursday, February 14, 2013

Extreme Surgery of the Week

Maria Jose Cristerna ("Vampire Woman)

"Tattooing is my way of being immortal, of really being a vampire and not dying -- leaving my work on other people's skin." 


Can you believe this woman was Catholic raised?

"I had the fangs done because I loved vampires as a little girl and I changed the colour of my eyes so they were how I really wanted them to be.'


Can you believe is a trained lawyer?

Can you believe she is a mother of FOUR?


Believe it

At the age of 35, Maria has had just about every unmentionable surgery.


She lives a "normal" life in Mexico


  1. I wonder what type of surgeries she's gotten done, and if one of them is on her forehead. Is there some type of metal device in her forehead that makes it stick out like that?

  2. Wow, that's amazing! I've always wondered what it feels like to be that brave to do whatever you want to your body and not care the consequences. I so badly wanted to dye my hair fun colors in high school, but didn't because I didn't want to lose my pt job at the bank! I have to admit, I have a pretty big dose of respect for this woman.
