Monday, April 29, 2013

Being Judged

Since I could ever remember, I was always told to never judge a book by its cover. And many a times have I judged something or someone due to appearance. Because you can never fully understand something or someone until you get to know the thing or person and they most shocking is that you many have more in common than you expected.
 But the key question is why do we judge other cultures or whatever so is different to what we are used to? People judge others because they are different and so can be defined as exotic. Every single person in the world has been raised to believed that what they learned when they were a child was the right or proper thing. So when encountered with what so ever different would be judged. I can related this when I first came to college. I went to a strict all girls’ catholic school where you went straight home after school. Majority of the girls all came from the same family orientated background. We all understand what was considered a bad decision and what a good one decision was. Therefore when I came to college and met girls who I felt at that moment had no respect for themselves it was such a shock for me. Due to the way they behaved publicly, I judged them automatically and refused to associate myself with them. And it always seemed to be the same group of girls with each other. The saying “birds of a feather flock together” just showed more of my disappointment for them. It was only one day when I was forced to work with one of girls in my car that I then began to understand. We started to meet up and I took a liking to her. She seemed a lot more easy-going and extremely nice. From there I built a lasting friendship with her and till this has still yet to failed. I understood that when you are surrounded by people just like you and it is hard to give others a chance. That was my case back then and it has not been that way ever since.
 I do not know if everyone one in this world including myself will ever stop judging people due to how we were raised but I know with an open mind our perception of others will always change.

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